One would think that moving to Alberta, a province known for agriculture and country living, and having the Calgary Stampede and Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame, that I would be able to uphold this lifestyle. However, living in the north definitely puts a damper on my country concert going.
Therefore, when I heard about Peacefest, in Peace River, Alberta, I just couldn't refuse. Even though my bank account said otherwise, I bought the tickets on visa with a buy now pay later attitude. I had to see a concert! Besides, my cityslicker boyfriend, Chris, had never been to a concert before and I wanted to show him how we hicks get down at a country concert.
However, come Friday, it appeared that Mother Nature decided to put a 'damper' on our first weekend getaway since Christmas holidays. And 'damper' doesn't even begin to describe it. It was pouring, with flood warnings in Peace River. But did that stop us? You bet it didn't. I went out to buy Chris and I rubber boots and we braved the storm for the 3.5 hour drive south.
Friday night we watch Chad Brownlee and Blue Rodeo. I had seen Blue Rodeo before and love them; however, Chris didn't know either of the performers. Kristin and her boyfriend Cody also came Friday night but left shortly after Blue Rodeo came on. She was wearing flats in inches of mud and water - I don't blame her.
After Blue Rodeo we all went to Cody's for the night. The next day the four of us went to the movies (something Chris and I hadn't done together since Christmas Eve) before getting ready for our second night of country music. Saturday night we watched High Valley, local artists from La Crete, and Doc Walker.
I've seen Doc Walker before, who are great performers. I know almost all of their songs; however, Chris didn't again. But we both really enjoyed High Valley. Chris and I both know all their songs and they were great entertainers. My mom and Dad have seen them about three times, so now that we've finally seen them perform live that's one thing mom and dad can't hold over my head anymore! I've met Curtis from High Valley a few times, and seen Bryan and talked to Brad on the phone, but it was great to finally see them perform and introduce myself to Brad and Bryan. Hopefully now that we've all met in person I can convince them to stop by for a fire when Mom is visiting me later this month! Ha!
We had wanted to go to the Calgary Stampede this year, but I guess since that was out of the question Peace Fest filled the country music void my heart. Stampede, watch out next year!